Tag: Interview

Crafting Worlds Interview Series: Stephen Radney-MacFarland

In the Crafting Worlds Interview Series; we are interviewing game designers to peek behind the curtain and discover how they create these wonderful worlds we get to experience and play in. In this edition, we

Interview with Nexon’s Development Team for Phenomenon MMORPG, V4

As a fan of MMORPG, I'm always excited when a new one comes out & had heard some really great things about Nexon's V4. The excitement of a new world to explore and adventures to be

An Interview with Razer’s Director of Marketing, Hilmar Hahn

Razer recently took out the top spot in the Australian PC Awards 2020 Best Gaming Mouse category with The Viper Ultimate. In all honesty, I'm not even a little bit surprised by this announcement. A friend