Tag: boardgame

Exploring Floodlands: A Roll and Write Adventure

Welcome, fellow cartographers, to Floodlands – a thrilling new roll and write game set amidst the chaos of heavy rains and the challenge of mapping the changing landscape. Developed by the talented team at Logic

Unveiling the Arcana: Spellbook Review

Players take on the role of wizards, gathering to participate in the Annual Grand Rite. During this competition, they work to fill their Spellbooks with new Spells. The wizards gather around a Vortex (represented by

The Gig The Dice-Rolling Jazz Game Kickstarter Preview

In The Gig, players are members of a jazz group, improvising their way through a song, vying for the spotlight and trying to please the audience whilst working up mind-blowing solos! First Thought First thought

Ion Games’ Dawn on Titan Kickstarter Preview

Dawn on Titan is a 5X board game - Explore, Explode, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate In a not very distant future, you lead a big corporation that fights for control over the resources on the moons

What time is it? It’s Muffin Time!

Media Release: Muffin Time is a chaotic card game with more twists and turns than you can shake a spork at! Big Potato Games is proud to launch its newest game, Muffin Time.  This is

Oom-Pah! The Musical Game that hits the right notes!

I was lucky enough to sit down with Stace & Liv at PAX Australia in mid-October and to get the opportunity to experience a designers view of their game is always something special. Oom-Pah!, a

Panakizhi – Kickstarter Preview

"In the 14th century, Indian scholars would assemble annually for the Revanthi Pattathanam in Kerala. During the seven-day event, each scholar would be awarded a money bag (a panakizhi) by the Zamorin of Calicut. The