Tag: Boardgames

Good Games Publishing’s Land Vs Sea Review

Game Overview Setup Choose teams: Use the scoring discs to randomly determine who plays Land and who plays Sea. Set up the scoreboard: Place the box bottom within reach of the players. Angle it towards

Chronicles of Crime – The Millennium Series coming to Kickstarter in March

Media Release Critically acclaimed board game Chronicles of Crime gets three new follow-up titles with standalone games set in years 1400, 1900 and 2400 Chronicles of Crime is coming back with a new range of

Arcane Wonders’ Foundations of Rome Kickstarter Preview

It has been said that Rome wasn’t built in a day, but now you can build the Eternal City in an afternoon! The legendary founder and first king of Rome, Romulus, has put forth his

Weird Giraffe Games’ Big Easy Busking – Kickstarter Preview

‘New Orleans is known for many things; Creole cuisine, a unique dialect, annual celebrations and festivals, and distinct music. Do you have what it takes to travel to the birthplace of Jazz, show off your

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