Australia’s leading pop culture expo, Oz Comic-Con, has returned for another year, kicking off in my home city of Melbourne. As the name provides, Oz Comic-Con is a celebration of all things pop culture and geekdom, bringing people from all walks of life together through their shared passion for film, television, comics, cosplay, gaming and so much more.
Like more well-known conventions around the world, Oz Comic-Con treats guests by bringing down renowned international celebrities, comic book artists and cosplayers (both novice and veteran) to the event, for fans to meet and greet.
Unlike previous years, this year’s Oz Comic-Con is of significance to me personally, as this year, I was able to attend the convention as a member of the media. This meant that I was able to sit down and chat with some of the guest artists, learning more about their passion, their convictions and the reasons behind their particular art styles and such.
The following interviews will be broken down into three separate articles; one for each artist that I had the pleasure of chatting with, Nicola Scott (Birds of Prey, Secret Six) and the man that needs no introduction, BossLogic!
Below is my interview with the legendary artist who’s been blowing up all over the pop culture scene globally of late.
Interview with BossLogic
If you haven’t heard the name BossLogic, then you’ve certainly been missing out on some of the best pieces of artwork in the pop culture business. BossLogic is an artist who’s been spoken about on Jimmy Kimmel; an artist whose skills have led to major film companies beating down his door; and an artist who has revolutionized the way we fans consume fan art.
At Oz Comic-Con, I had a scheduled interview session with BossLogic and as I approached his designated stand at the convention centre, I saw a crowd of people, all gathered around him. Some were standing in line to purchase his art prints. while others were talking amongst themselves, hyped over the well-known artist’s presence at the show.
It was evident that everyone around the BossLogic stand were in gleeful awe. I should know, given that I had was in the exact same position when lining up to purchase prints on the first day of the convention.
After a few deep breaths, I approached BossLogic, expecting to be met by a confident American artist. Instead, I was met by a delightful and down to Earth man, who is, in fact, actually Australian!
After offering me a seat, we began chatting. Below is what transpired.
Firstly, let me just ask. Where did you find the time to design the Tom Holland Uncharted poster (see below). That was only rumoured yesterday?
BossLogic: Yeah, I got home last night after a long day and had an hour before I went to bed, so I thought I’d throw something together. Plus, Tom is a friend.
Wait, you’re friends with Spider-Man?
BossLogic: It’s actually a weird story. I was in L.A, eating in this private room. The room was awesome, gold everywhere. As we left, we walked past the waiting area where people were eating and my manager noticed Tom Holland sitting there, chewing halfway through his noodles. He called me over and introduced me to Tom. I felt so awkward, as Tom had his mouth full at the time.
When I got back to my hotel, I messaged Tom on Twitter apologising. Then, about 12 months later, he replied. Since then, he’s been sharing my work and messages me on the odd occasion. So, yeah I figured I’d make up that poster of him as Nathan Drake.
Wow, that’s fantastic! I hope you can forgive me, but prior to meeting you, I actually thought you were American.
BossLogic: You aren’t the only one. People have been coming up and giving me care packages with Tim Tams and other Australian foods. One lady brought me this box of like $250 worth of stuff. I said thank you and spoke to her for like fifteen minutes. She was so nice, but the whole time I was thinking, “can she not hear me speak. I pretty sure I sound Australian?”
You do sound Australian, well I think so anyway. So I have to ask, how did you start all this?
BossLogic: I’m actually self-taught. I started out about ten or so years ago, illustrating my own stuff, then doing a few fan-art pieces here and there before things started taking off. I wasn’t the best, but I prided myself on being the quickest. Over the years, I have improved so much. Like, the other day I was looking back at some of my old stuff. Man, it was horrible!
I feel like your definition of horrible and mine would be very different!
BossLogic: you’re probably right! I can actually look at any of these (pointing to the 40 plus prints on the tables in front of him) and find faults with all of them.
You have such a beautiful eye for subtlety. Perfectly blending colours and shades, then tying it all together with a highlight colour.
BossLogic: Yeah, I feel like if I go too flashy and use heaps of colours, it looks cheap and not professional. As you can see looking at any movie poster, less, is quite often, more.
True, very true. So, I saw that you did a poster after the Anderson Silva and Israel Adesanya fight. Are you a big UFC fan?
BossLogic: Well two years ago my brother introduced me to UFC and I’ve loved it since. I don’t do heaps of posters but I’ll always throw one together for the big fights. Can’t do too many for free though, a guy’s gotta get paid (laughs)!
Speaking of getting paid, what was it like creating the Marvel poster for The Avengers?
BossLogic: It was so surreal, but it really was amazing. I did that one followed by an Aladdin poster and now I’ve been contacted by Marvel, Disney, Warner Brothers and a few others to make more posters. These opportunities allow me to do this full time.
That is exciting, you do amazing work, so that makes me so happy to hear! So what do you think won the big studios over?
BossLogic: I think I offer something that most artists can’t. I’m an artist like many others, but what they can’t offer is my amazing followers. I’m lucky enough to be an artist and an influencer too. So the studios not only get the art, but they also get visibility as well. All in one package!
So lastly, what is next for BossLogic?
BossLogic: Well, I have Supernova in Sydney and I’m waiting for confirmation about San Diego Comic-Con in July.
Once the official interview was out of the way, I spent the next few hours chatting with and getting to know BossLogic and his friends. During this time, I heard stories, learnt some of their inner jokes that they share with one another, all the while feeling like an old friend who’s part of the gang. The entire experience was truly special, one that I will cherish forever. It was just so heart-warming to chat with BossLogic and he’s certainly one of the most sincere and genuine artists I’ve come to meet.
There were several instances where I would see a wide-eyed kid run to BossLogic’s stand wanting his parents to buy them a print, or someone tossing up between three or four prints, BossLogic would smile and just give a copy of a print for free.
The instance that truly touched me, though, was when a young disabled man in a wheelchair approached the booth and wanted to purchase three prints. He had only had his card on him, and no cash. So, rather than let the man travel through the crowds to get to the ATM, BossLogic simply gave him the prints, and that smile on the young man’s face will stay with me for as long as I live.
I went into this interview hoping to chat to someone I admire for a few short minutes. Instead, I was able to spend about three hours with a talented, genuine man. At the end of Oz Comic-Con that day, I walked away with the honour of being able to call BossLogic, a friend.
Follow BossLogic on the below social channels:
This article was original posted on Attack on Geek on the 26th of June, 2019
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[…] I must apologise for anyone awaiting the next instalment in this series, but I had a small problem with my car, a truck and some cracked ribs. It made sitting at my desk a little painful. If you’ve missed the first interview with BossLogic, you can check that out here […]