Hernkyn Unleashed! Prepare for an epic clash as rugged Hernkyn scouts face off against fanatical Genestealer Cults Brood Brothers. Who will emerge victorious in this high-stakes battle for loot and survival?
Long time readers will know that I have a strong attraction to short hairy humanoids. No, not in that way! (dammit – editor)
I am speaking about the fantasy or science fiction dwarf.
Exhibt A and B – Rothtar my dwarfish Cleric in Dungeons and Dragons and Dalim my Dwarf Hunter in World of Warcraft. I’ve always been a fan of a good Dwarf. Maybe it was Flint that started it all. The solid dependable member of the party. Has this become an admission that I read Dragonlance before the Hobbit? In any case, if I can play one, I’ll choose dwarf.
So, when Leagues of Votann, the reimagined Squats of Warhammer 40,000, was announced it was an easy bet I’d sign up. I’ve amassed a smallish army, over 1100 points. They are, however, not all painted or even built I’m ashamed to say. They are, however – potential. I’ve played some Combat Patrol with them and didn’t do too badly… mostly.
It stands to reason that when GW announced another new LoV Kill Team at Adepticon I was very excited.
The Hernkyn have only been known as Pioneers, seated on high-speed hover trikes. Fast attack, with some good shenanigans and not bad hitting or objective taking. This new Kill Team introduces Hernkyn Yaegirs. Described as footbound frontiersmen (Kyn? Squats? Dwarfs?), they spend most of their time ranging far ahead of their Kindreds.
Clad in the ubiquitous and distinctive greatcoats they pack an assortment of powerful, flexible weapons to fend off opportunistic predators.
From the announcement we can expect this new Team to find themselves fighting up close and personal. Equipped with slinging bolt shotguns and an arsenal of pistols, plasma knives, and other in-your-face weapons. They can call on more firepower with the combination of a magna-coil sniper rifle and an adaptive payload missile launcher.
I’m keen to see how the rules for this squad differ from the regular Hearthkyn Salvanger squad released with Gallowfall. It’s great to see Kill Team for the LoV that isn’t just a regular Hearthkyn with an upgrade sprue – although that jumpy Squat is awesome… Kill Team hasn’t really hit the mark for me, our regular games crew have been playing much more Combat Partol and trying to get a better grip on 10th Ed. That my personal pile of shame umm potential needs attention.
Bundled in the Kill Team: Termination box with some, actually pretty good looking Genestealer Cultists the kit is on pre-order this coming weekend.
I’m excited about 10 more models to one day paint (and play). How about you? Will you join the League in the search for more salvage or are you a follower of the four-armed emperor?
Update – the Hernkyn have been added to the League of Votann Index.
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