In Guf Studio’s Floating Floors, the Bansen Seals containing the secrets of your Ninja clan have been stolen. You have been tasked with reclaiming all your seals before the other Ninjas collect theirs?
But a word of warning! The Floating Floors are always rotating and shifting, will you Float your clan to victory or have the floors sealed your clans’ fate?
How to Play
I would normally summarize the rules here, but why do that when reviewers extraordinaire, Meeple University, have made an easy to follow & detailed video below:
If you haven’t already, please make sure you subscribe to their channel!
Game Play
Floating Floors was the first game in quite some time that I have played in person with friends & I’m so glad I did, as this is a game that needs to be experienced in person.
I had 3 friends come around to get our ninja on! And as only Sammie does, he arrived in a full ninja outfit that he just happened to have in the cardboard.
At first glance Floating Floors doesn’t have the most amazing table presence when first set it up. Just a few tiles with a few small Bansen Seal cards boarding it. But once the Ninja Meeples hit the table & the floors begin to rise that board starts becoming a much more interesting place.
Our first playthrough was a bit clumsy, where chubby fingers & the shakes were our worst nightmare. As the matches when on, the steadiness improved & the confidence started to grow. We all started to understand the tactical side of the game & that is when the mayhem began.
As pieces were stolen, floors rotated & the Jutsu pieces were put down or moved with the level of calculation that would impress any master chess player. And that is the beauty of this game, the game improves with the players.
Floating Floors is the type of games that really shows great game design. It is easy to learn, it grows with you & evolves with the players. Which in most games means you have to play with the same players or the new players are always at a disadvantage.
But not in this game, as that is what takes this game from being well designed to incredibly designed. As they have taken what sometimes lets a game down & turned it into a brilliant bit of design by creating a handicap game version. It seems simple, but it allows new players & older players play harmoniously while keeping it challenging for all involved. I would literally buy this game just to play this version of it. As it so much fun, challenging & cut throat.
For such a small game it really has this arena like feel that you can’t take your eyes off all the action. As it’s quick, exciting & you have to watch the whole board as things as things can change, in a moment.
The art of Floating Floors has been done in a very simple & elegant, just reminds me of old Japanese painting. The soft lines, the subtle gradient that feel like they have taken some traditional art & put their logo in it.
As I mentioned early, when first set up Floating Floors seems a little flat, but soon you start building & those ninja meeples just makes for unstoppable action for both players & spectaculars like.
Final Thoughts
Floating Floors is the type of game I love to play & bring to game nights. It’s quick to learn, fun to play & the more you play it, the more it evolves & greats better with the players. Often smaller games don’t compete with those bigger games & often feel like filler games. Yet this isn’t case here, as this game plays small but gets bigger the more you play.
If you like a challenging game, with evolving gameplay, an amazing theme that can be enjoyed by people of all skillset that doesn’t hinder new players. Than the fully funded Floating Floors is for you.
If you would like to get your own copy of Guf Studio’s Floating Floors here
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