Games Publisher 93 Made Games Expands Into Indie Distribution

Games Publisher 93 Made Games Expands Into Indie Distribution

abletop games publisher 93 Made Games has announced the launch of its new distribution service dedicated to promoting and selling independently designed and published tabletop games.  The new division of its business, Indie Games United, provides a reliable pathway for independent designers and publishers to have their games marketed and sold to a much wider audience.  The service will also provide retailers with a broad catalogue of high quality and novel games that would not normally be available through traditional distribution services.

“Indie Games United allows us to share our combined decades of experience in the tabletop games industry with emerging and established independent creators,” explained Sean Carroll, Head of Design and Publishing.  “We look forward to sharing the lessons learnt and industry connections we have made over the years to help nurture designers and publishers and give their games a home on the shelves of games stores around the globe.”

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“Through our extensive industry experience in marketing and distribution, the Indie Games United sales team know the ins and outs of providing the best experiences for gamers, designers, publishers and retailers,” said Anthony Condos, Head of Sales and Marketing.  “No matter what part of the process we engage in, we at Indie Games United perform with passion and a thirst for excellence.”

Besides publishing and distributing tabletop games, Sean Carroll and Anthony Condos have designed and developed a myriad of games including No Fish!Monster Town and the Viewniverse episodic card games series.  Indie Games United will also leverage the pair’s game design talents to benefit other creators via a range of support services provide through the company’s Incubator Program.

If you are a retailer, publisher or designer then discover all the benefits of collaborating with Indie Games United by visiting

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